men and women come to the Avenues clinic for Hair
Loss Treatment in Ahmedabad
and this fact shows that men and women both are teased by hair loss
and it affects both genders alike. Hair loss is a serious disease and
generally, baldness takes place in men and women following different
patterns. Women hardly go bald but they face diffuse hair loss which
sometimes can lead to complete baldness of the head. In men, complete
baldness occurs leaving some hairs on the back. The causes, signs,
and effects of the disease can be different in men and women but the
physical, psychological, and social consequences of the hair loss or
baldness are the same in both of the men and women.
of the following reasons show that Hair loss affects the lives of men
and women alike:
Desire to look always young:
only women but men also want to look younger than their real age and
do everything they can for keeping their looks shiny and silky. As a
common factor, hair loss makes you look older and the same rule is
applied to the males and females. They want to look younger and feel
sad when they observe a receding hairline or excessive hair loss.
is really tough for both of the genders to face social situations
confidently due to hair loss or baldness. Moreover, the conditions
are more severe if some of their friends make fun of him. Social
humiliation due to hair loss is one of the main reasons for low level
of confidence.
men and women think badly about themselves and think that other are
judging them due to the brittle, dull hairs of baldness problem. It
harms the self-esteem of the patients and generally, generate other
psychological problems like depression, anxiety etc.
loss can ruin the dreams of a person who wants to be a model, team
leader, presenter, news reader, anchor, or public speaker. Confident
personality is needed in every career options and it is rare to see a
confident male or female with hair loss or baldness.
Feeling of Envy:
feeling of envy is experienced by both men and women when they meet a
person with full, shiny hairs.
Threat of Introversion:
is a huge threat of introversion if any of the men or women faces
hair loss or baldness. The patients of hair loss generally don’t
like to keep themselves in social situations and gradually they
become loners. Introvert personality brings a lot of traits
concurrently. For example, shyness, nervousness, social anxiety,
sum up, there are a lot of effects that tease the both men and women.
Therefore, the Avenues clinic has invented plenty of hair restoration
methods for Hair
Loss Treatment in Ahmedabad for
both of the genders. Male and female patients can come to the initial
meetings with the experts and then, the surgeons of the clinic are
ready to diagnose and treat the problem according to the diagnosis.
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